Monday, May 21, 2007

Holy-Freaking Crap its a One-Legged Bird: A Contribution by John Anderson and Richie McNabb

*This picture and title were the only contributions John demanded be made to the blog.


Anonymous said...

I Love it! Mom (Vicki)

Anonymous said...

that's the coolest thing that's ever been on this blog... haha, just kidding erika. but it was pretty cool john.
and can you guys have pets in your house?

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for the nice gifts for the nieces!!! Gracen loves her sticker book. We let her stick a bunch of them the other night, and told her she could do more tomorrow. Well, when I got up in the morning, she had already finished stickering!! oh well. I can't wait to put sissy in her new outfit. The tax deduction reminder put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!!! Have fun in CA!!!! Cristy

the fredin's said...

nice add john. we enjoyed it :)

Anonymous said...

Good to see you all having a good time, especially John creating a laugh!!! Enjoy California. Love
Grandma Butch