Monday, February 18, 2008

A New Twist on Valentine's Day

This year was a new twist on Valentine's Day. I had class on the night of Valentine's and John had class over lunch. So, we decided to go out for a Valentine's breakfast. It was a new twist on the tradition of the day, and it made me feel very special because John hates to get up early in the morning (it also saved us quite a bit of money). We went to Speculoos on the Strand.
Then, John told me he was going to take me out to a nice dinner at Rudy and Paco's (a local fine restaurant) the night after Valentine's, but there was a catch.....we were to go with 30 other MD/PhD students and applicants. Then Saturday, we also were to spend the day entertaining MD/PhD students followed by a progressive dinner. Romantic, huh?
Despite the nontraditional nature of the day, we did go on to exchanged cards and gifts. Mostly, I had to share the shirts my mom sent to John and me for Valentine's. I don't know if he will ever wear his outside of the house so I decided to post it for everyone to see. I thought they were cute. They could not express our sentiments more. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.


Anonymous said...

I love those shirts and those kids in them. I am the first to reply to your blog. Can't believe it!!!

Love you both.
Grandma Butch

Unknown said...

it's good to matter when....
looking forward to seeing you soon!

the fredin's said...

Sounds like a good valentines day to me!! We never do anything since Jeremy's birthday is the day before...I think he thinks that gives him a good excuse to get out of it :) Hopefully I can see you when you are in town...I have to work that whole weekend...dumb.

Kevin said...

Love the shirts. Y'all should wear them to group sometime.