Sunday, September 07, 2008

Workin' 9 to 5

Here is a look into the work side of John and my life. This is so family and friend have an idea of who we actually work with and can put a face to a name.
For me, I technically don't work at UTMB anymore, but officially I am still employed there. (Clear as mud, I know) Although I was technically done on August 1 , I have gone in for a few hours here and there. The department did hire someone to replace me this week so I will officially be done with work when I finish training her. Regardless of my status at work, I am still invited to the parties. We had a party recently at Debbie's house and here is a pictures of "the girls". This is Debbie (sitting), Stella (in the back), and me. Also, John's labs had a group picture recently so you can see who it is that he works with. Dr. Jose Barral (the boss) is in front of John. Next to him standing up is Ephrain (graduate student) and Jason (tech). Sitting down is Ray (graduate student). Note the background of this picture is in their lab. Yes, John has an amazing view of the harbor from his lab.


the fredin's said...

It is nice to put faces with names! That is a pretty good deal, going to the work party's but not going to work! :)

Marcia said...

It's good to see the people you all spend time wit at work. John has a nice smile in that picture!